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Thursday 29 August 2013

The Day I Commissioned An Artist

Roughly two months to go until All Hallows Eve and the release of a horrorific new Hallowscream. The ghosts and ghouls are busy finishing off their comics strips and we'll expect an influx of artwork in the next the weeks. One of these incoming stories is written by yours truly as I always like to have some sort of presence within a Hallowscream (we're no making these for just shits and giggle).

I've also been toying with a concept for a while called Apocalypse: The Board Game. This is a hybrid comic strip type illustration that suits the Hallowscream style we try to copy from Scream!

This 'board game' is a simple snakes and ladders type game where players must roll a dice and advance along a path until they reach the end. Along the 'evolutionary path' there are various apocalyptic dangers which slow down a player's progress. It's a cute little idea and all done in the name of fun.

I twice attempted to draw this myself but in the end I've decided to commission an artist to draw it instead. It would take me a considerable amount of time and I know I'd never be happy with it. To keep the costs down I'll be colouring it myself on the Wacom Bamboo.

I've never paid for an artist before so it was quite an educating experience. Initially I placed an advert on the Deviant Art forum which scored a high number of responses (30) of which only (4) were any good. Most just didn't suit the style I was after.

In the end I contacted an artist direct, after seeing their posts on The artist is Mike Legan and I'm vert much looking forward to what he does with the idea.

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