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Friday 23 February 2018

The long wait

I've been holding off posting as I've been waiting for something really solid to show you regarding Get Woke. But with this wait I'm failing to deliver the whole adventure experience of making comics that this blog is supposed to be about. If you want to enjoy the highs, you've got to experience the lows.

Basically, I'm in total emotional agony (drama queen). After replying to a post on Reddit's Comic Book Collabs section from an artist hoping to connect with a writer and make some comic, I sent my script to said artist who liked what he read and we agreed to make (at least) issue 1 of Get Woke. All this happened roughly a month and a half ago.

It's now been 3 weeks since the last email from the artist in which he sent me a sample of the first page - check it out below.

Now, I love it. It's a great style that really suits the tone of the comic but all this has done has made be feel sick inside.

One page is a great start but the eternal pessimist in me needs to see just a couple more pages, including one involving the main characters, before I can completely accept that this project is going ahead. All I can do is worry that the whole thing is going to fall apart and that's completely unreasonable of me.

3 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of comic making. Art takes time to do and I'm sure the Canadian based artist wants to get things looking just right. He has a full time job and 2 kids. I've only got one and I can barely find time to breathe. I know he's utilising a colourist friend from Indonesia, which involved a whole new level of complexity and communication. We're creating this comic across 3 different continents!

I refuse to email him because he rightly deserves the time he needs to do what he thinks is right. It would be uncool of me to pester him and I'm trying to forge a trust based relationship - and no one want s to team up with an asshole.

It's fucking killing me though. Thought you'd all like to know.

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