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Friday 21 April 2017

Latest Update #2

I've been resting on my laurels after the success of my last post on Reddit, as well as taking a much needed week on holiday, so I haven't posted here for a while. Bit of a shame as I'd started to post more consistently but I'm back now and gearing up for some more comicy creating goodness.

Since my last post...

  • Submissions: I've had a one-page script accepted for Futurequake Press and have also sent them a seven-page script, which will hopefully be good enough to make the grade (fingers crossed).
  • Art-wise, I'm about to tackle a follow up to Cunt Dracula as well as finish drawing a 2 page script, both of which I'll post here and on Reddit.
  • I've commissioned a fantastic artist to create a cover for Issue 1 of Kill Spree. The whole project has pretty much stalled so I thought the least I can do is finish the first issue in full so I've got something to show the grand-kids.
  • I'm also working on a new script which I'm considering entering in to the 2000AD Writers Competition at this year's Thought Bubble comic festival.
All of this is extremely time consuming but I'll endeavour to keep the posts flowing. I'm enjoying drawing at the moment but that really cuts in to writing time, causing the writing quality to suffer. Need to find a way to combine both to the best of my abilities.

Sunday 2 April 2017

The most evil of all vampires

My latest post on Reddit has had an awesome response and is currently top of Reddit's comics section. Only my fourth strip posted so I'm delighted to have smashed it with this one.

UPDATE: Well, it’s 24 hours since I posted this on Reddit and it looks like the strip has finally peaked at a staggering 14,300 Upvotes. It’s just starting to slip off the top spot on Reddit’s r/comics section which it had dominated all day long. The score is aggregated against down votes as well, so I know that there’s been plenty more ‘likes’ given to the strip as there will have been tons of people who Downvoted it as well. All hail the power of the C-bomb.

I may as well retire my pens and pencils as I seriously doubt I’ll ever create another strip that’ll receive such a positive response.