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Thursday 27 September 2018

Latest Update #8

Time to squeeze in a quick post before September slips in to the night. I would have liked to have posted more these last few months but I'm in comic limbo at the moment as I wait for the completion of artwork for Get Woke.

The project began back in January and is slooooooowly moving forward. It is possibly the most exciting yet painful creative experience I have ever lived through!

As of writing this post, the 36 pages issue one is currently fully pencilled, with 25 pages inked and 3 pages coloured. That's definite progress and I'm pleased to report it looks fantastic. That, dear reader,  is half the problem...

Thanks to its awesomeness, we're going to explore option for professional publication rather than self-publish, which was our original plan. However, this can't be done until more is completed and this is preventing me from moving forward.

I was hoping to use this blog to take you all on the journey of getting a comic published. I still plan to do that but as you can see from the numbers on the right of this page, I haven't been posting here that often in the last few months. Maybe next month I'll have more to show.

October is always busy anyway:

  • Hallowscream will be launched at the end of the month so I'll be bust editing, lettering and promoting the comic with my co-editor pal Mal Kirk.
  • October is also Inktober, an online art craze of doing one ink drawing a day the entire month. Hopefully I'll last longer than the measly 5 days I managed last year. Take a look at the graphic below for this year's daily themes.
  • I've landed a lettering job (paid) for a series, but it could be a while before that starts, so more news on that later.
  • I'm also midway through writing Issue 3 of Get Woke

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Mika and the Godheart Preview

Received these stunning pages in my inbox today and they're just to gorgeous not to share. I'd previously posted some concept sketches for this story as a taste of what was to come. Artist Rafael Romeo Magat has now delivered the finished artwork and I am blown away. Here's a couple of pages to feast your eyes on.

When writing for anthologies I always try and keep the page count as low as possible. This is because, as a editor myself, I understand how tricky it is to find artists to draw long scripts when most are looking for a 4 pager. (More pages = lots more time to draw)

An interesting development during the illustrating stages is that Rafael has taken two of the pages and expanded them in to double page spreads, turning the seven page script in to a 9 pager. This is great as it means he's enjoying drawing it, and when an artist is enjoying themselves, that's when they produce they're best work.

Raf is using this story in his art portfolio which he has shown to Marvel. So, yay, someone at Marvel has seen my work too!