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Thursday, 24 November 2016


My posts usually start with an apology for the lack of weight-pulling in the updating of this blog and general lack of comic creativity. Well, not this time! I think I've got my mojo back for making comics. So, here's a quick one pager drawn by the always amicable Carol Kewley titled 'Apocal-oops'.

In other ME news, I've just finished lettering a 7 page script for a submission package titled 'Quantum's World'. Written by Frank Martin with art by Raúl Lara, it's a super hero story that spans multiple universes and I'll be lettering the full series if it gets picked up.

I've also just been handed a 8 page script to letter by editor Dave Candlish for the upcoming Paragon Annual, which I'm delighted to be a part of. This script is part two of a story called Icarus Dangerous; Mynx Tale scripted by Dirk van Dom and drawn by Scott Twells.

I'm also currently in the process of writing several stories of varying lengths. Some of these I intend to submit to various anthologies, others to actually get down and dirty and do the artwork myself! I'll be posting the first of these here very soon. Be warned, I've got some issues I need to get out of my system so it's going to get really fucking dark round here. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

The Psychedelic Journal of the Wild West

Creating comics is a looooooooooong process. Writing a script is actually the easiest part! The real magic happens after the script has been submitted to a publisher.

I've currently got 4 scripts approved and in various stages of production. It can take anything up to three years for an accepted script to make it to print in an indie comic so it's always worth celebrating when a script matures in to a full blown comic strip.

My latest script to achieve this wondrous metamorphosis is a 4 page story called Vampires & Indians which appears in the all new The Psychedelic Journal of the West West, an annual brit comic anthology masterminded by Owen Watts & Geoffrey Crescent.

Vampires & Indians was drawn by the jaw-droppingly talented Dunk! Nimmo and lettered by the ubiquitous Bolt-01. It is a thing of total beauty and I'm super-happy-joyed at how it's turned out.

The Psychedelic Journal of the West West is currently only available to buy at comic conventions but will no doubt be purchasable via Comicsy in the near future. Be sure to buy it.