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Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Get Woke #1 Now on Kickstarter

Clicking the launch button was intense but it's done. Ladies and gents, the Get Woke Kickstarter is now LIVE.

Imagine a world in which ALL conspiracy theories are true. A world of secret societies, shadow governments, aliens, monsters, and the supernatural. No need to imagine too hard, that's the world YOU live in today. It's all real and it always has been.

And if such evil exists in the world, which it does, humanity is going to need a very special team of heroes to protect it from the horrors that lurk behind the curtain of our false reality.

Don't believe in conspiracies? You need to...GET WOKE


After nearly 2 years of production the first issue is completely done and I'm now looking to raise the funds to get the comic printed. I've gone with a fairly low target as I don't want to not make the goal, hopefully this doesn't put people off.

Please check it out and if you can pledge a bit of cash.

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