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Friday, 24 March 2017

APOCALYPSE - The Board Game

This fun little creation appeared in the 2013 issue of Hallowscream, the tribute anthology dedicated to the fond memories of 80's horror comic Scream! I remember reading the comic as a small child and being blown away by the gruesome stories in its pages. Bringing it back to life, in the form of Hallowscream, with other mentally damaged Scream! fans was a pleasure to do and a fantastic experience that set me on the path of being a comic creator.

Scream! often featured additional silly pieces such as games or drawing competitions and APOCALYPSE - The Board Game is my attempt to recreate some of that joy.

Ably drawn my Mike Legan, with letters and colours by myself. I opted for a monochromatic colour scheme as it seemed easy at the time but the results are pretty good. (Click the image to see a bigger version.)

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